Author Profile: Christopher Mohr

Born November 7, 1953, self-taught composer Christopher Mohr wrote his first piece at age 10, completed a Mass at age 12, and composed a full-length oratorio at age 17. At 26, he published a book of original piano music. Numerous chamber pieces and a cantata for his own wedding are among his other works. His musicals Ducktails and Bobbysox and Orphans in Candyland were published by Pioneer Drama Service and have been performed in all 50 states in the U.S., all ten Canadian provinces and dozens of countries worldwide.
His LP recording, August Light, was released in 1987 and played on dozens of classical radio stations. He has conducted excerpts of From The Realm Of The Shadow on several occasions, including a warmly praised Colorado Symphony Orchestra concert in 1991.
Mr. Mohr also edited and co-published On The Air Magazine, a monthly publication for classical radio listeners, from 1989 to1997. He has hosted classical music radio programs, including an opera program, since 1982.