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These ten short comedy skits are designed for young actors at any skill level. They’re perfect as a warm-up activity in a theater class, material for a talent show, an emergency substitute plan, or even a drama assessment! The skits range from two to four players with a relatively equal distribution of dialogue (something you don’t always see in skits for kids) and a lot of gender flexibility. They also use very easy vocabulary, making them perfect for those teachers working with ESL students. The only set pieces needed onstage are a few chairs and a small table, and all props can be easily mimed. With these skits, your young thespians will have a chance to practice their comedic timing, expression, enunciation, stage voice, and gestures... not to mention have some hilarious fun at the same time!
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Ten Short Comedy Skits
Use this script sample — including the cast list, production notes and several pages of the actual script — to help you select your next show. It is open in a new browser tab or window. To open it again, please click here.