Textbook: $16.95
discount price $13.50
discount price $13.50

Award-winning Peg Kehret has done it again! For years, teens have won everything from coveted roles to speech competitions with the help of Kehret’s original monologs. In her latest book, she again captures moments that any teen can relate to. The two to four minute monologs in this book portray life’s funny situations and its pathos, written as teens talk and think today. Each of these 50 monologs, almost all of which can be done by boys or girls, creates a “moment of recognition” that makes both the performer and the audience smile as they gain insight. Peg Kehret’s highly readable books for young people have won broad national acclaim, including the American Library Association award for “Best Books for Reluctant Readers” and many states’ Young Reader’s Awards.
(117 pages, paperback, 5½ x 8½)
(117 pages, paperback, 5½ x 8½)
Textbook | 978-1-56608-144-3 |
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Tell It Like It Is

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