CAST: 8F, 11M, doubling possible
TIME: About 35 minutes, 1 act
$7.75 each
$50 First Performance
$50 Each Additional Performance
TIME: About 35 minutes, 1 act
$7.75 each
$50 First Performance
$50 Each Additional Performance
In her bedroom, Carrie must write a research paper about stupid Shakespeare. When she tries to read his plays, it’s all just blah blah blah to her, and she falls asleep. She awakens to find Shakespeare in modern clothing, there to defend himself. After her initial shock, she watches as the playwright directs rehearsal scenes from Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Actors with suggested costumes appear to speak the lines and show the action. When each scene is finished, he gives her a quiz that she aces. Seeing the action, it’s much easier to understand the stories. Now she’s inspired to read the plays. As she does, she falls asleep again and Shakespeare fades into darkness. Upon reawakening, she realizes it was all a dream, but now her paper writing is a breeze! Easy to stage with only one set and simple costumes.
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