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These five monologues, two to five minutes each, introduce us to five African-American women important to the heritage of the American people. These women include Phyllis Wheatley, who in the late 18th century impressed everyone she met, proving to the world that the color of one’s skin does not indicate one’s intellect. You’ll also meet the sister of Crispus Attucks, a multiracial man who was the first casualty of the American Revolution. You will hear from Sojourner Truth, the abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Also portrayed is Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave who was a ”conductor” on the Underground Railroad to help others gain their freedom. Finally, you will learn about Gwendolyn Brooks, the first black author to win the Pulitzer Prize. Besides being interesting and educational, these monologues also make excellent contest material.
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Five Famous African-American Women
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