Whether you’re looking for a royalty-free Christmas play, hoping to enrich your weekly service with drama ministry or providing material for your church youth group to explore, we have the books to meet your needs. Our selection of religious books range from the classic sketches of the premier Christian comedy group Isaac Air Freight to a collection of hard-hitting Christian monologs for youth... and everything in between!Pioneer Drama Service is pleased to offer 3 texts in this category.
Christmas on Stage
An anthology of royalty-free Christmas plays for all ages
This book will make Christmas more meaningful — and fun! — for performer and audience alike with this diverse collection of 27 Christmas plays and readings suitable for classroom or youth presentations. More...
More Christmas on Stage
An anthology of royalty-free Christmas plays
This stylistically diverse collection of 23 plays will provide your church, school, or community theatre with years of royalty-free Christmas season programming. More...
The Scenebook of Values and Virtues
Acting with Character
This entertaining collection of 24 character-driven scenes will guide teens to make positive choices in their lives while developing both their social-emotional learning and their acting skills. More...