Applying stage makeup is an art, distinct from both regular makeup wear and makeup for the screen. These books, along with our detailed how-to DVD, provide step-by-step instructions to create authentic and realistic looks for any time period. You’ll also find help to make-up fantasy characters and animals. Through these great resources full of beautiful color pictures, you can even learn how to enhance the magic of theater by drastically changing physical features with facial hair and wigs, bald caps, nose putty, latex skin wrinkling, scars and more.Pioneer Drama Service is pleased to offer 2 texts and DVDs in this category.
Face to Face Instructional DVD
An Amateur’s Video Guide to Performance Makeup
A professional makeup artist utilizes different students’ faces to demonstrate in detail the vast gamut of makeup, from applying the base to taking the makeup off, and everything in between! More...
Stage Makeup
The actor’s complete step-by-step guide to today’s techniques and materials
Filled with large color photographs and actors’ design sketches, this gorgeous book will help you acquire the essential skills for doing period makeup, age makeup and special effects applications. More...