Social Awareness Plays
Pioneer Drama Service is proud to offer a wide selection of thought-provoking plays about social values, life choices, and their consequences. Many of these plays, without being preachy or trite, open up discussions about ethics, remaining true to yourself, friendship, love, and loss. Other plays have timely, topical themes such as bullying, gossip, gangs, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, divorce, depression, suicide, and more. All are ideal for contest or other dramatic presentations.Pioneer Drama Service proudly carries 86 social awareness plays about a variety of social issues affecting teens and youths.
The Audit
The Life and Times of Michael St. John
Cast: Flexible cast of 14-24
Set/Time: Bare stage with projection screen / About 37 minutes Strong writing, a unique style, and a running time just under 40 minutes make The Audit a very strong contender for contests and festivals. More... |
Not in Our Town
How One Town Triumphed Over Hate
Cast: Flexible cast of 11, plus an ensemble of 6-10 extras
Set/Time: Interior living room set / About 45 minutes This play is perfect any time you wish to empower people to take a stand against hate and build tolerance and acceptance. More... |
Cast: 2M, 4F, plus an ensemble of any number
Set/Time: Bare stage / About 35 minutes This simple-to-stage one-act by award-winning playwright Brian Hampton packs a powerful punch as it brings Gossip to life and gives its infectious spread a visible presence onstage. More... |
The Struggles
A play about coping with dyslexia and ADD
Cast: Flexible cast of 8-17
Set/Time: Bare stage / About 35 minutes This award-winning, poignant drama centers around Megan, a young girl coping with the learning challenges associated with dyslexia and ADD. More... |
Cast: 3M, 5F, extras
Set/Time: Interior school sets / About 30 minutes In this unique drama about coping with pressures and expectations from others, Jack is curious when he receives his box as a birthday present. More... |
The Empty Chair
A play about teen substance abuse
Cast: Flexible cast of 8
Set/Time: Bare stage / About 30 minutes The setting is a counseling center for teenagers recovering from substance abuse. A member of the group has just died. Accident or suicide? This work has an emotionally strong anti-drug message. More... |
Cast: Flexible cast of 10-50
Set/Time: Bare stage / About 70 minutes This is a positive play about the humor, determination and caring that exists in every school. Both your cast and your audience will thrive on its positive messages about teens. More... |
Stone in the Road
Cast: 7M, 7F, extras
Set/Time: Exterior country road set / About 30 minutes A queen puts her subjects to the test: anyone kind enough to move a large boulder from the road will be handsomely rewarded with a job as royal counselor to the queen! More... |
Just Like Us
Cast: Flexible cast of 16
Set/Time: Bare stage / About 30 minutes This play teaches about prejudice. On one side of a park live the Greens. On the other side of the park the Blues reside. Sadly, there is nothing but fear and hatred between the Greens and the Blues. More... |
Gran’s Guide to Stop an Ogre (Also Works for Witches and Bullies)
Cast: Flexible cast of 15-26 (8M, 10F, plus 8 roles that can be any), optional extras, doubling
Set/Time: Interior living room set / About 30 minutes Full of fun roles and with easy production elements, this imaginative show explores the difficult problem of bullying and the many different forms it may take. More... |