Textbook: $14.95
discount price $13.75
discount price $13.75

Middle school could not be more dramatic! Everything is both highly serious and seriously funny at the same time. But where do you find juicy monologues that are active and immediate to showcase the acting skills of this particular age group — too old for kid stuff, but without the maturity to carry off more adult or older teen material? Right here in this book! This is the ideal collection of 111 one-minute monologues for middle school actors, whether looking for material for classroom practice, forensics, or auditions. All the clean-your-room, give-me-your-lunch-money, take-a-shower-already, buy-me-some-lip-gloss, he-does-not-like-me, you-puked-in-my-math-book incidents are in here, plus a whole lot of other stuff you wish would happen! Divided into selections for females, males, or either, each monologue also defines its tone as comic, seriocomic, or dramatic.
(128 pages, 5 x 8, paperback)
(128 pages, 5 x 8, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-57525-346-6 |
Additional products available:
Ultimate Monologue Book for Middle School Actors

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