Textbook: $20.95
discount price $17.75
discount price $17.75

Here’s a varied collection of duets from the best-selling author of Winning Monologs for Young Actors and her granddaughter. With their multi-generational approach, these humorous and thoughtful scenes present distinctive viewpoints on issues meant to provoke and inspire discussion as well as to entertain. Most roles can be played by either gender. The short length of each scene makes it easy for students to memorize their lines. Sample titles include How Not to Get a Job, Cutesy-Wutesy Doggie-Woggie, The Alibi, My Rotten Roommate, Prince Not-So-Charming, The Tooth Fairy Conspiracy, Mall Survey, Hair Salon Gossip, That’s How Rumors Start, Backstage Pass, and Goody, Two Shoes. With 54 scenes in all, these duets can be used in a wide variety of settings, from speech contests and auditions to acting practice or comedy revue shows.
(265 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
(265 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-56608-196-2 |
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Two Voices

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