Textbook: $32.00
discount price $30.25
discount price $30.25

Remember when you thought your school was a prison complete with guards (i.e. teachers!)? Or when you plotted revenge against that prankster brother of yours? Or how you were sure you’d be the first person to actually die from embarrassment? This collection of humorous skits takes real-life settings and characters and pokes gentle fun at those annoying, irritating, embarrassing moments that are part of growing up. Devised as readers theatre scripts, the skits are simple to produce. No memorizing lines, no difficult staging or complicated props. Yet each of your students will still benefit from the best that theatre has to offer — listening, reading and speaking skills, cooperation, team building, and an appreciation of literature — as they work together to achieve a challenging goal. Each skit, while humorous, also offers creative solutions to each scenario.
(256 pages, 8½ x 11, paperback)
(256 pages, 8½ x 11, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-59158-043-0 |
Additional products available:
Just Deal With It!

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