Textbook: $20.95
discount price $17.50
discount price $17.50

Far more than simply an overview of improv comedy, this theatre book helps actors, writers, and comedians learn the basics as taught in all the major comedy schools. First, the do’s and don’ts of the Comedy Improv Commandments. Next, the concepts that, when understood, hit the student like falling anvils: Anvil #1: Collaboration — Working with the “Group Mind,” Anvil #2: Agreement — “Just Say Yes,” Anvil #3: Foundation — “Who, What, and Where,” Anvil #4 — “Finding the Game.” There are twenty-nine chapters in five sections: 1. Improv Comedy Schools, 2. Improv Comedy Basics, 3. Comic Character Development, 4. Long Form Improv, and 5. Writing Sketch Comedy. Successful improv requires the skill of the actor, the talent of the comedian, and the ideas of the writer rolled into one. This drama book tells how it can all be done for performers and teachers.
(200 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
(200 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-56608-094-1 |
Additional products available:
Improvisation for Actors and Writers

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