Textbook: $17.95
discount price $15.25
discount price $15.25

Costuming doesn’t have to be a difficult or expensive aspect of putting on a play. Here is a do-it-yourself costume maker’s guide to make it easier and more affordable. This wonderfully practical book literally shows you how to make costumes for plays and musicals at the lowest possible expense! With over 150 detailed illustrations, the book aids all costumers with its easy-to-follow text. Just about every basic period is covered: Biblical to Medieval, Renaissance, Colonial, 1800s to World War I, the Roaring Twenties, and more. This complete text gives many helpful hints and information about modifying sleeves and hems to fit a time period, taking advantage of leftover fabric, aging an outfit, and much, much more. This book will pay for itself with its first use.
(144 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
(144 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Textbook | 978-0-916260-88-0 |
Additional products available:
Elegantly Frugal Costumes

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