Textbook: $19.95
discount price $17.75
discount price $17.75

Here’s an ideal way to develop acting and speaking skills as well as an appreciation for Greek mythology. Written for teachers with varying degrees of dramatic arts experience, this outstanding book offers plays suitable for students of all academic backgrounds, as well as English language learners. This unique text contains five Greek myths — Creation, Demeter and Persephone, Labors of Hercules, The Odyssey, and Orpheus and Eurydice — dramatized to give everyone in a class of up to 35 students significant roles. Part I is a 55-page section that covers good acting techniques, costume and scenery suggestions, a model rehearsal schedule, ideas for incorporating music and dance, and a glossary of Greek terminology. Part II includes much more than just the scripts! Each myth also contains a scripted TV interview with various characters in the myth, writing and art lessons, warm-up exercises, story questions for critical thinking, and a classical connections section emphasizing Greek words that have entered our English vocabulary.
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Dramatizing Greek Mythology

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