Textbook: $19.95
discount price $18.25
discount price $18.25

This collection of scenes is intended to give the student or newcomer to Shakespeare a chance to explore some of the well-known younger characters in his plays. Material from 27 plays is organized by the number of characters involved, with scenes ranging from two characters to eight or more. You can’t beat a Shakespearean scene for an acting warm-up, so these 60 scenes tend to be short, ranging primarily from two to seven minutes in length. The editors selected the scenes with regard to similar themes and situations to encourage you to compare characters. For example, think of the vast differences in the ’wooing scenes’ between Romeo and Juliet, Anne and Richard III, and Kate and Petruchio! With this book, including a short introduction to Shakespearean speech and acting, your students will gain new insights into the greatest scene writer of all times and develop a far greater appreciation for his immense versatility and talent.
(332 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
(332 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-57525-359-6 |
Additional products available:
60 Shakespeare Scenes
