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This PDF of scripts is designed to teach members of our TV generation how the exciting sounds of old-time radio drama were done. In producing these five short audio playlets, some students create the sound effects of lightning, thunder, footsteps, rain, wind, etc. as the others watch. Each actor learns to cue his/her lines to the effects and to work with the sound effects person to heighten the illusion of reality. Each script offers a different challenge. Included are: 1. Rain, 2. The Pretzel Woman, 3. Reading with Alex, 4. Moving the Circle, and 5. The Best Show of All. Detailed instructions included. The big fun is for everyone to listen to their radio show when it’s completed. Instructions and additional suggested activities are included.
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Radio Theatre for the Classroom
Use this script sample — including the cast list, production notes and several pages of the actual script — to help you select your next show. It is open in a new browser tab or window. To open it again, please click here.
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