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discount price $18.25

This book aims to give theatre teachers the tools to do more than simply play classroom games by explaining the practical benefits of each exercise. This handy text also helps teachers hold group discussions and guides them in asking leading questions. For each of the 112 games, divided into 20 categories — sensory awareness, characterization, action and reaction, nonverbal communication, and much more — you’ll find not only the description of the game but also discussion guidelines, suggestions of variables, and a clear description of the purpose for the game. Plus, in this new edition, you get 25 bonus games!
(368 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
(368 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
Textbook | 978-1-56608-200-6 |
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112 Acting Games

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Hear what directors and critics are saying:
Acting Games
This book of acting games and improvisations will assist students in developing their creative abilities. For everyone, all of the essential elements of acting and character development are explored.
This book of acting games and improvisations will assist students in developing their creative abilities. For everyone, all of the essential elements of acting and character development are explored.
On Stage — Theater Games and Activities for Kids
The activities range from vocal warm-ups to improvisational scene work. Exercises in puppetry, mask making, costuming, makeup and set design, as well as several short scripts, round out the book.
The activities range from vocal warm-ups to improvisational scene work. Exercises in puppetry, mask making, costuming, makeup and set design, as well as several short scripts, round out the book.
Although this book is intended for acting teachers... many of these activities could simply be fun games to play with any group. Voice of Youth Advocates
This book is an excellent resource for teachers working with drama students or teachers/parents just looking for something new and different to do with their young people. Reader’s Favorite
From games devoted to increasing memorization and sensory awareness to improvisation and motor skills development routines, 112 Acting Games can apply equally well to adults and student actors. Midwest Book Review