Royalty-Free PDF: $19.95
After the first series, our customers kept asking for more. So here they are — another ten hilarious spoofs of TV commercialism, all Hall of Fame "winners" in Hard Sell, California. Performing parts for just about everyone in class. Included are Present-of-the-Month Club; Pedimo Ointment for Sore Feet; Port Fetid Homesites; Dullsville Tours; TV School of Medicine; Rubbo, Pain Killer; Big City Life; Gramading Autos; Rasmussen’s Muffins; and Insults for Everyone Book. Use as contest material or for classroom practice.
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TV Commercials Hall of Fame #2
Use this script sample — including the cast list, production notes and several pages of the actual script — to help you select your next show. It is open in a new browser tab or window. To open it again, please click here.