Pioneer offers three ways to preview scripts while saving you money
Preview Scripts Before Ordering
We know it's important for you to preview scripts before you place
your production order. We also know it costs precious dollars.
your production order. We also know it costs precious dollars.
Pioneer Drama wants to help!
START AN E-view library
Electronic preview scripts are convenient and easy!
1 Electronic Title $10
3 Electronic Titles $20
5 Electronic Titles $30
10 Electronic Titles $50
25 Electronic Titles $100

Sign up for your Pioneer E-view plan and gain instant access to almost every Pioneer title. Imagine being able to read scripts electronically on your computer or tablet without paying for shipping and handling! Enjoy the time and cost savings of knowing you can preview scripts for your next production with just a click of your mouse.
Click here for more details.
Build Your Own Bundle and SAVE!
Save money on full preview scripts
5 scripts for $35 or 10 scripts for $60. Preview copies must be different titles on a single order. Does not apply to E-view scripts, textbooks, production orders or multiple copies of the same title. Savings will not appear in your cart but will be applied when your order is processed.
Save up to $100+ on scripts and scores for three titles
The Musical Perusal Program is the perfect way for you to preview musicals for up to 30 days to help you select which one you want to produce! Each perusal order includes either a script and piano score or a script and CD sampler for up to three different musicals. Click here to learn more.Start shopping!
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