Submitting Your Script
Query first...
Before sending a manuscript, playwrights should begin the process by sending a query using our submissions contact page. A proper query will include the title, a short plot synopsis up to 200 words, an approximate running time, and details on the complete cast of characters.
Be sure to read our submission overview first.
Submit your work...
Electronic submissions via email are preferred. To submit via email, please query first using the link provided above. If we respond favorably, we will provide the email address for your electronic submission.
Hardcopy manuscript submissions are accepted at this address:
Attn: Acquisitions Editor
109 Inverness Dr. E
Suite H
Englewood, CO 80112
Whether submitting a hardcopy or a digital manuscript, the following information must accompany your submission. Some of this duplicates information from your query, which ensures that we process your submission properly.
- Cover letter and/or resume. This can explain your theatre involvement and why you were inspired to write this play.
- 100-200 word synopsis.
- Cast list. It should indicate the number of female roles, the number of male roles, and the number of roles that can be performed by any gender. We do not accept one-person shows.
- Running time.
- CD and/or score for musicals. We appreciate the opportunity to hear the music, if possible.
- Set design(s). Please feel free to provide diagrams, photos, and/or sketches.
- A DVD or a link to a past performance is ideal, though not required.
- For hardcopy submissions, a self-addressed envelope of sufficient size with appropriate postage for the return of any materials you wish returned. We will NOT return any material if this is not included.
Please be patient. Queries will be answered within approximately one week. Submissions may take up to three months or longer.
Manuscripts written in part or in whole by A.I. will not be considered.
Additional considerations...
We hope that Pioneer Drama is your first choice as a publisher, and we encourage you to submit to us exclusively. However, we do accept simultaneous submissions with the understanding that you will accept the first contract you are offered and not use the situation to seek multiple offers from which to choose. If you receive another offer, please notify us immediately so we may rescind your submission.
Pioneer Drama Service is proud to sponsor two different annual playwriting contests to encourage the development of quality scripts for the educational and amateur markets. If you are not already published by Pioneer Drama Service and your submission meets all other requirements, including having had at least one production or staged reading, your play will automatically be entered in the Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest. If you are a faculty member at an accredited K-12 public or private school in the US or Canada and have performed your play at your school, you may also qualify for our A+ Playwriting Contest for Teachers. Check out our list of past contest winners for more insight into the type of submissions we find most desirable.