Virtual Scene Collection #1
Remote teaching. Distance learning. Digital interactions. Video conferencing. We are literally “zooming” into a new age of virtual theatre.
And Pioneer Drama has exactly what you need to make it happen: scenes written specifically to be done virtually!
Some of Pioneer’s favorite playwrights have quickly jumped on this new bandwagon to bring you Virtual Scene Collection #1, a compilation of four 10-minute, light-hearted plays specifically written to be performed virtually through Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, or any other digital video call or conferencing apps. As one of our royalty-free skits, we email you a printable PDF and give you unlimited photocopy, distribution, and production rights! (Teachers, as with all our royalty-free skits, you may share with students, but not with other teachers.)
This collection of made-for-virtual-reality sketches is available now for just $29.95. That’s just $7.50 per scene! And remember, through April 30, include the promo code BECREATIVE on your order and save $6 with free electronic delivery! (Please note: because we are only in the office every other day, all orders placed before 2:00 eastern time on Friday will be emailed to you Friday afternoon.)
Virtual Scene Collection #1 is not a series of monologues. It’s actual stand-alone scenes! Our playwrights — Brian D. Taylor, Craig Sodaro, Edith Weiss, and husband-and-wife writing team Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus — got creative and had fun writing short plays where the characters are separated and talking via a digital platform or conferencing app. These skits, each with two to four characters, have no set requirements and very easy costuming that actors can come up with at home. Learn more about each skit online!
And we hope you noticed that this is Collection #1, meaning that there’s more to come! We have more playwrights busy writing and within two weeks we’ll have another collection of scenes out. But that’s not all we’re working on! Before the end of April, you’ll find entire virtual plays designed to be performed via video conferencing!
You’re working hard to adapt to this new age of virtual theatre, and so are we. Together, we are Touching Lives Through Theatre, just a bit more remotely than we used to be!
Virtual Scene Collection #1
This compilation of four 5‑ to 10‑minute, lighthearted plays were written specifically to be performed virtually through digital conferencing apps.