Does Your Contest Require a Performance License?
We’re excited so many of you are taking our plays to contests and festivals this spring!
Pioneer Drama doesn’t automatically go through the formality of providing you with a performance license when you pay your royalties, but that doesn’t mean we can’t quickly get you one!
If your contest or venue requires proof that you’ve acquired the rights to a particular show, just contact us here and we’ll email you your performance license within one business day. (Or go to CONTACT US at the bottom of any of our web pages and select the Royalties/Performance Licensing option.)
Make sure to include the following information with your request:
- The name of the show you’re performing
- The date of your first performance
- Your account number or the billing zip code used to order the materials
Here’s the most important tidbit to keep in mind: we can only issue a performance license if your performances have been PAID. Of course we believe you when you say the check is in the mail, but until we actually receive the check, we cannot provide you with a performance license.
And congratulations to you if you’re successful at contest and need to add an additional performance or two to continue to the next level! You can arrange this quite simply by calling us at 800-333-7262 or using our online chat feature. We’re here Monday through Friday, 9 am to 8 pm Eastern time. If you’ll need another performance license, please consider paying the additional royalty fee by credit card so we can issue it to you immediately.
Break a leg! We look forward to hearing about your accolades and awards!