What Do I Teach?
By Tim Reagan
Middle school drama teacher Tim Reagan recently found himself in a situation where he had to clarify his job as a full-time middle school drama teacher due to a colleague’s lack of understanding of the work he does. He took his frustration about the situation and wrote a poem, which he encourages his fellow drama teachers to use to promote their own drama programs.
What do I teach?
I don’t teach English — yet literature is at the heart of my discipline.
I don’t teach History — although I encourage students to investigate the social and historical implications of events and how they affect those with whom we live.
I don’t teach Science — but introduce the analysis of human behavior, society, and the natural world.
I don’t teach Math — yet evaluating structure, space, and change is a skill constantly being developed.
I don’t teach Visual Arts — although calling on the elements of form, line, shape, color, texture, space, and value is commonplace.
I don’t teach a Foreign Language — but my students learn to decode and encode dialogue in scripts and plays.
I don’t teach Music — yet rely on the elements of pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, texture, and articulation to share this craft.
I don’t teach Technology — but foster the use of tools to control and adapt to the work we do.
I don’t teach Physical Education — although working as part of a team while making connections between cognitive functions and physical movement is a major benefit of this process.
What do I teach?
I teach Drama.
Tim Reagan
Sidwell Friends School
Washington, D.C.