Introduction to Theatre Arts — Second Edition
We are so excited that we can’t wait another day to announce the upcoming release of the SECOND EDITION of everyone’s favorite Introduction to Theatre Arts by Suzi Zimmerman. Available August 1, you can immediately purchase a pre-press galley copy of the Student Workbook along with a sample chapter from the Teacher’s Guide for just $12, plus shipping and handling.
You’ll love that this brand new edition is gender neutral, better organized, updated to reflect modern technology and social media, and has a 2020 copyright date! Even better, the Student Workbook is just that... a true individual workbook for each student. You’ll even be able to choose the format for your classroom sets: PDF or three-hole punched and ready to drop into a binder! At no more than $16 per student when you order a classroom set of 25 or more, we’ve designed this book to fit the budgetary considerations of schools, making it available at a fraction of the price of other companies’ Theatre 1 textbooks.
Luckily, we’ve retained all the elements that made the first edition of this book a top-selling theatre arts curriculum text year after year. You’ll still find the daily bell work, fun puzzles, and quizzes and tests that you’ve come to rely on to make classroom management easier. This classroom-tested, year-long curriculum covers the entire spectrum of theatre: theatre history, scene work, acting, characterization, publicity, play production, games and improvisations, and more.
The second edition of the Teacher’s Guide is also better laid out with the notes to the teacher now appearing on the same page as the corresponding student page. No more flipping back and forth between pages! Four additional sections in the Teacher’s Guide make this student-friendly text also very teacher-friendly: teaching tools, evaluation tools, production tools, and tests and major projects. Tests even include two levels of difficulty, so your evaluations can match your students and your expectations.
Whether next school year has you teaching your middle school or high school Theatre 1 class in the classroom or through distance learning, this updated popular text is coming out at just the right time, so order your pre-press galley copy now!

Introduction to Theatre Arts 2, 1st Ed.
At last! Here’s a student‑friendly, teacher‑friendly workbook with study units for a full semester or year.