Author Profile: Sally Netzel
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Sally Netzel has written over 30 plays for both adult and family audiences. She was a member of the Dallas Theater Center’s Professional Company for fifteen years as actor, director and playwright and holds a Master’s Degree in Theater from Trinity University. She is the recipient of the John Gassner Playwriting Award.
Sally believes in the intelligence and humor of both adults and children and, as a writer, always intends to entertain both. Produced plays include: Angel and Dragon, Westward, Holmes!, Mr. Clemens and Mr. Brown, The Dark Castle and adaptations of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland — The Musical, Puss-in-Boots, The Jest (from Twelfth Night) and Pioneer Drama Service’s Straw Into Gold. Unproduced plays are too numerous to mention but available. Sally welcomes email.