Author Profile: Shane Mitchell
Shane left Alaska to earn his Masters Degree in Theatre Communications at Wichita State University and returned to Anchorage, Alaska in 1997 to benefit the community he loves. As a playwright Shane has two published plays and has had nearly twenty original works and adaptations produced all over the United States. He received a Panelists Choice Award at the Edward Albee Theatre Conference for his work Fractured and a Bard Fellowship for his work A Card For Mr. King.
As a performer Shane received Best Actor Awards at both University of Alaska-Anchorage and Wichita State University, is the recipient of two Patricia Neal Acting Awards and is known as one of Alaska's most eminent and critically acclaimed artists. He has toured nationally and internationally and was an American Arts Representative to the 2000 Olympics and World Voices Concert in Australia. Shane has appeared with almost every theatre company in the Anchorage area including Eccentric Theatre Company, Kokopelli, Bright Nights' Summer Rep, UAA, Once a Year Theatre, JanDar, Valley Performing Arts, and the Three Baron's Fair.
He has taught theatre at every level from pre-kindergarten through college and was a founding member of the University of Alaska Anchorage's Theatre in Your Schools project. Shane has lead intensives, residencies and workshops all over the United States and in several international venues and is in constant demand with many youth programs such as Campfire Boys and Girls, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and Boy and Girl Scouts, not only working with young people but to train adults to work with young people.
Mr. Mitchell is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.