Author Profile: Ev Miller

Ev Miller began his writing career in 1975. His first play, A Dusty Echo, won the North Dakota Bicentennial Playwriting Contest in 1976 in competition with 100 entries from 23 states.
Since then, Miller has published over 30 plays and has had several others (yet unpublished) produced.
His play, The Incredible Years, was named best play of the year by Pioneer Drama Services, Inc. Other places published by Pioneer include The Missing Jesus, A Memory of Harold and A Small Wooden Horse.
Other award winning plays by Miller include The Redeemer of the Beard, I'm a Stranger Here Myself, Jennifer's First Christmas, Close the Door So It Can't Get in Your Room, The Lecher and the Rose, World Without End and The Storm Outside.
Many of Miller's plays have to do with North Dakota and its colorful history and people. Among these are A Dusty Echo, A Man for the People and Crying From the Earth.
The National Public Radio Network produced Miller's play, Christmas Cameo, also published by Pioneer, for radio syndication.
In addition to his drama, Miller has also written much poetry and has been published in several journals. He has published a novel, written specifically for high school students.
In the fall of 1993, Miller was named the Outstanding Creative Artists for the State of North Dakota by the North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association.