Author Profile: Stacey Lane
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Stacey Lane's plays have been performed at over nine hundred theatres on six continents. Her scripts are published with Pioneer Drama Service, Dramatic Publishing, Playscripts Inc., Smith and Kraus, Heuer, Brooklyn Publishers, Eldridge, YouthPLAYS, Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, Meriwether, Next Stage Press, Manhattan Theatre Source, Infinity Stage, Sound, and Film, JAC Publishing, and in forty anthologies and literary magazines. She is the recipient of the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation Residency Grant and the Montgomery County Arts & Cultural District’s Literary Artist Fellowship. Lane is the winner of the Unpublished Play Reading Project Award at the American Alliance for Theatre and Education, East Valley Children’s Theatre’s Aspiring Playwright Award, an Outstanding Playwriting nomination at the Midtown International Theatre Festival, a National Youth Arts Awards Best New Script nomination, and an ariZoni Theatre Awards of Excellence Best Original Script nomination. She has received script commissions from Women Playwrights’ Initiative, Classika Theatre, Human Race Summer Stock Kids, Zoot Theatre Company, CityFolk, and the Mascot Organization. Lane founded the Dayton, Ohio chapter of SWAN (Support Women Artists Now) Day. She graduated magna cum laude with a full scholarship from Rollins College. Check out Stacey's web page here.