Author Profile: Thomas Hischak
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Thomas Hischak is the author of over forty published plays which are performed in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. His playwriting awards include the Stanley Drama Award (New York City) for Cold War Comedy, the Julie Harris Playwriting Award (Beverly Hills, California) for The Cardiff Giant, and a winner of the AACT 2016 New Play Fest for The Emperor of North America. Hischak is also the author of twenty-eight non-fiction books about theatre, film, and popular music, including The Oxford Companion to the American Musical, 1939: Hollywood’s Greatest Year, The Disney Song Encyclopedia, and The Oxford Companion to American Theatre. He was Professor of Theatre at the State University of New York at Cortland for thirty-three years and was also a Fulbright scholar who taught and directed in Greece, Lithuania, and Turkey. He now is Adjunct Professor of theatre and film at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida.
Titles by Thomas Hischak:
America by Candlelight
Awakening: The Story of Kip Van Winkle
A 49er with Three Bags Full
The Genuine Genie
Gift of the Magi
The Last Leaf
Mankind & Co.
Marjorie Daw
The Moonstone
Mr. Scrooge’s Christmas
Murder in Bloom
My Fair Limey
The Phantom Bridegroom
Plays of Science & Invention
Plays of the American Experience
The Princess and the Pauper
The Skinflint of Shickshinney
Soapy Smith’s Winter Wish
Stepping Outside the Box
Stopping at Ellis Island
Stories from Days Gone By
Tiny Tim’s Christmas
The Unexpected Reformation of Jimmy Valentine
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way