Author Profile: Faye Couch Reeves
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Faye’s books for children include Howie Merton and the Magic Dust (Random House) and Birthday Wish Mystery (Troll). To Be Surprised by Love: Stories for Those Who Believe Faith Happens When You’ve Made Other Plans displays the same sense of humor found in Faye’s plays. That book and her latest, Scraps: A Story of Fabric and Faith are both from the niche press she owns with two good friends. She is a contributor to and the editor of Acting Up: Sketches for Worship originally written for Sandia Actor’s Theater, a part of Sandia Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her plays, eleven of which are available from Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., are all performed first on stage at Sandia Presbyterian under Faye’s direction. She continues to be excited by the idea of combining her love of writing and theater with her faith.
Faye and her husband, Ron, are the parents of two grown daughters and grandparents to three boys.