Author Profile: Michelle Raskey
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Michelle Raskey has spent the last 24 years in theatre, working with and teaching students of all ages. After spending a decade and a half as the Director of Education for a non-profit community theatre in Northern California, she co-founded Roseville Theatre Arts Academy in 2011. Michelle has a passion for working with teens because it was a high-school drama teacher that inspired her to pursue theatre arts as a career. She teaches teen improv, Master programs, and her favorite; Shakespeare for students. Her passion is the Treehouse Players, the fractured fairytale portion of RTAA. Michelle also enjoys acting, directing, and writing scripts. Michelle graduated Summa cum Laude from CSUS (California State University Sacramento) with a degree in English, Creative Writing. She lives with her very own Prince Charming, Franky, and is the incredibly proud mother of two strong Princesses, Alex and Morgan, who can rescue themselves!