Author Profile: Kevin Bean
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The first philosophy is, “Happiness is a habit.” The late, great, comedienne Phyllis Diller spoke those words and Kevin holds them to heart. It is just as easy to decide to be happy when you wake up in the morning as it is to be angry. If you view the world around you from a place of happiness, than happiness is what you will find! You’ll begin to see the world as a source for your happiness, from big WOW moments, down to the beauty and miracle that is the growth of a single piece of grass. When you decide to view the world through the other lens, that of anger, the same thing happens - so choose to be happy!
The second is, “Think Like a Four Year Old!” If you ask a four year old if they can sing, they’ll say, “Yes!” Dance? “Of course!” Draw? “I’ve got a fridge full of them!” Sculpt? “Where’s the Play-Doh??” At some point in our lives, we stop believing that we can do anything and start believing that only some people can do certain things, or that we can only do something if we’re the best at it. Life is full of amazing opportunities that are just waiting for us to grab them. If we remember that we can do anything as long as we choose to, the world becomes a wonderland of joy and enrichment. Investing in ourselves, our memories, our skill set, and our happiness is a FAR better use of our time than sitting around in front of the TV because we don’t think we have anything better to do with our lives. Believe in yourself like a four year old does and you’ll never be bored!
The last is, “Be Mindful.” Everything around us is a miracle, from the act of drawing a breath, to the mountains on the horizon. From the flight of a bald eagle to a single grain of rice, everything that God has surrounded us with is a source of wonder and joy- you just have to be able to see it that way! Being Mindful means that you stop to appreciate everything as often as possible. It’s hard to be sad when you can take the time to realize how wondrous the existence of a fork can be! Being Mindful transforms even the dullest moment into a life changing experience. Always try and see your world through fresh eyes.
If Kevin could teach the world to do only one thing, it would be to be happy. If you’re reading this right now, it means you’re sitting inside in front of a computer of some kind. Turn it off, go outside, and find your happiness wherever it lies! Cheers!