Author Profile: John Basil
John's unique style and exciting approach to both the classics and contemporary theater has created a demand for his talents at theaters and universities alike. He has directed works of great diversity — from King Lear, Richard III and Candida to Brighton Beach Memoirs — for the American Stage Theater, Asolo Theater, Bradley University, Long Island University, and the University of Colorado, to name a few. Equally at home with the camera, John has also been a director for NBC's Another World.
His dynamic and upbeat Playing Shakespeare Series continues to enlighten and inspire actors across the nation. He helped launch the Sedona Shakespeare Festival in Arizona and has also presented his workshops for Columbia Teachers College and at Penn State, as well as having taught at Rutgers, Kean University and Montclair State University. John is currently a full time professor at Marymount Manhattan College. Because of the success of these original and innovative programs, Mr. Basil was recognized by The National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts, as well as being awarded the Iben Lectureship for Shakespeare.
John's book WILL POWER, How to Act Shakespeare in 21 Days was published by Applause books in 2006 and is available through Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.